Austrian Chancellor― I’m Bending The Knee (&) Taking The Gas

Russian Sanctions Are Meaningless

Chris Roman
3 min readApr 15, 2022
Photoshopped Christopher Roman

Walking out of a meeting with President Putin. Austrian Chancellor, Karl Nehammer proclaimed he told Putin, ” that anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the EU would remain in place and could even be reinforced as long as the conflict goes on.” Continuing, Nehammer made it clear, “this is not a friendly visit. I’ve just come from Ukraine and saw with my own eyes the immeasurable suffering caused by the Russian war of aggression,”

Of course, listening to this nonsense, I am sure that Nehammer’s heart is breaking for the Ukrainian people. However, between a media, that does not have one shred of integrity and Austria’s desperate need to keep their natural gas flowing — the reality of Nehammer’s visit will be somewhat obscured.

The issue became more clear three days later when the real reason for Nehammer’s visit became abundantly clear when he said, “Putin told me that the gas supply is safe, that Russia will deliver the contractually agreed quantities, and that payments can continue to be made in euros,” Nehammer told Austrian APA and German DPA news agencies on Wednesday.

This gas arrangement was very generous — especially given the fact Gazprom said they would only take payment in Rubles.

