American Sanctions Against Russia Are In Place (except) No One Cares

Sidestepping The American Money System (And) Replacing It With The Gold-Backed Ruble

Chris Roman
3 min readApr 27, 2022

When the United States sanctioned Russia in February. It was done with bluster and fanfare as if it was the spring of 1914 and the western media was beside itself with self-congratulations. (Giddy) as if the American and NATO crimes in Iraq were suddenly eviscerated.

It is important to never lose sight of the fact, that the United States has no potential to stop Russia with conventional military force. Instead, they imposed a sanctions regime on Russian assets, cut Russia off from SWIFT, and seized money from various banks throughout Europe.

Most of the money the United States seized was settlement payments from Russian gas contracts. This was money that was simply sitting in (suspense) within various bank accounts waiting to be settled at Gazprombank.

The obvious question then becomes, if you are a Russian gas customer in Germany how do you pay? The Russians made it easy and straightforward. If you want to pay for gas in euros you can simply open a commercial account at Gazprombank. They will receive euros outside of SWIFT on SPFS.

